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February 12, 2018 12:00 am

Anarchapulco 2018 – The Complete Rundown: Jeff Berwick on Declare Your Independence

4:30min Dash + Ben Swann proposal mentioned

Jeff Berwick is interviewed by Ernie Hancock for Declare Your Independence. Topics include: the biggest Anarchapulco ever, now the conference will be live streamed (see link below) big name speakers coming, Ron Paul, Mark Passio, Ben Swann, G Edward Griffin, Jeffrey Tucker, some surprise guests as well, , a complete rundown of all that’s happening and who is speaking, the importance of low transaction fees, Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash, the myth of ‘violent’ Acapulco, CIA and Bitcoin, playing spot the fed at Anarchapulco, the Anarchapulco venue, Princess Hotel on the beach sold out for main conference days but there are other hotels nearby, other facilities in the area, politics and investment in Mexico,

Author: The Dollar Vigilante
Original link:

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