Buy Dash with Topper!
Dash purchases through Topper (by UpholdInc) in the Dash mobile wallets are zero fee for 72 hours, from February 27th at 5am UTC to February 29th at 4:59am UTC!
If you were waiting for the perfect chance to try out Dash, here’s your chance! You can easily buy from within the wallet with a credit card, bank transfer, Apple/Google Pay, and more.
Note: This is ONLY for Dash, ONLY in the Dash mobile wallets!
Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Download the Dash mobile wallet
Then, under the settings menu (bottom-right), select “Buy & Sell Dash”. Then select Topper (at the top).
Step 2: Select how much you want to buy. Then enter the required information: email, phone number, name, and address. Step 3: Select a payment method. Enter it, press buy, and you’re good to go!
Now, if you really ready to experience spending digital cash in the real world, you can experiment with using it to pay a bill! For US users, try Spritz Finance. Sign up, add any bill, and seamlessly pay it from your Dash wallet!
Outside the US, you can use Swapin for most of the world! Same thing: sign up, enter billing information and use Dash to pay! Decentralized digital cash for the world is our goal. We’re able to provide this today. Not tomorrow, not someday in the future, but right now.
This is the perfect time to try it out!