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July 6, 2018 12:00 am

Dash Releases v12.3, Bringing Network Improvements and Foundations for Evolution

Dash version 12.3 became available on July 3rd and included development improvements for PrivateSend, InstantSend, the overall Dash network, and laid additional foundations for Dash Evolution.

The upgrade was released earlier in June for testing by the community, but was officially released to everyone on July 3rd after the most recent superblock. All masternode operators, exchanges, pools and explorers need to update to version 12.3, along with a restart by masternodes, in order to continue receiving rewards. The upgrade will includethe “new devnets feature to enable the creation of multiple independent devnets” as well as “lower the number of inputs designated to each wallet, improve user privacy by eliminating the merging together of small non-private inputs, and decrease UTXO………

Author: Justin Szilard
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